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Header Use Case Lathe

Legacy Connection - Sensors

Solutions for industrial applications

To connect an established operation to the cloud, many businesses ask the question whether their currently owned machines are ready for digital connectivity.

We would like to show an example of such a scenario.

Initial situation

A lathe built in the fifties shall be integrated into a digital work flow without having to replace the machine itself.

Three possible machine states need to be monitored:

1. machine is operating

2. machine is idle

3. manual intervention is needed


To capture the current state, the machine is equipped with sensors using "SOTEC Cloudplug". An RPM sensor reports the current rotational speed of the lathe, showing the current operational status. A tension sensor for the drive belt reports possible faults. Furthermore the current status of the machine is shown using a cloud enabled signal column.

Realtime data are transferred to the Manufacturing Service Bus using the Cloudplug hardware and thus can be accessed and interpreted by arbitrary services in the cloud. The data is simultaneously used to control the signal column.


  • Cloud connectivity of existing machines
  • Individually configurable solution
  • Minimal time needed for hardware and software configuration
  • Cost saving in comparison to full machine upgrade